Westerners can go overboard, sanitising everything.
Sure, pet roo is not inspected (hence the cheapness) but
so what if you get sick eating roo once every few years... if that!
The offending microbes may well enter your bloodstream in miniscule
quantities in the meantime and you may build up a tolerance that
keeps you safe. 
Just like innoculation.

In India, Western travellers get sick every couple of weeks.
Water is a big culprit. But the locals manage on that same water.
You know yourself that the real shit about drugs, material wealth,
physical pleasures is that you get accustomed to them and you need
larger doses to get the same effect. Use this phenomenom to your advantage.

Unlike the other pet meats, roo is free-range.
The animals are probably healthier than the pigs that provide bacon,
or the battery-hens supplying KFC (KillingForChrist ;)

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Transcribed for the Undesirable Propagation Unit.